Own Ultimate Piece Of Redskins Pride

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Once upon a time, belts were a simple, utilitarian fashion accessory, designed to prevent the embarrassment of bringing publicity to rather private matters.

Over time, there became a hierarchy of belts, with the birth of fashionable belts including, but not limited to: large buckle belts, reversible belts, elastic belts, braided belts, sashay belts, chain belts, cumberbunds and the distant cousin suspenders.

But at the top of the belt food chain sits the undisputed…well, champion; the championship belt. Made famous by professional wrestling, it is the ultimate symbol of celebration, authority and swag.

It is the perfect belt for all seasons, particularly football season. This year, the Washington Redskins bring you the ultimate gift for any proud fan.

Roll the footage:

Be sure to order your ultimate piece of Redskins Pride, today, at RedskinsBelt.com!

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